Thursday, September 29, 2011


Duties of Counseling Psychologists:
ª  Selection, administration and interpretation of psychological tests to assess intelligence, aptitudes, abilities or interests.
ª  Consultation with other professionals to discuss therapies, treatments, counseling resources, or techniques and to share occupational information.
ª  Referral of clients to specialists or to other institutions for non-counseling treatment of problems.
ª  Conducting of researchers to develop or improve diagnostic or therapeutic counseling techniques.
ª  Provide consulting services to schools, social service agencies and businesses.
ª  Guide clients on how they could be helped by counseling.
ª  Analyze data such as interview notes, test results, and reference manuals in order to identify symptoms and to diagnose the nature of clients’ problems.
ª  Collect information about individuals or clients, using interviews, case histories, observational techniques, and other assessment methods.
ª  Counsel individuals, groups or families to help them understand problems define goals, and develop realistic action plans.
ª  Develop therapeutic and treatment plans based on clients’ interests, abilities, and needs.
Evaluate the results of counseling methods to determine the reliability and validity of treatments.

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